The Infant-Parent Institute

New Book Chapter by Michael Trout: “Is there a place for psychoanalytic theory in the classroom?” In A. Collopy, Ed. (2025). Contemporary Psychoanalytic Approaches to Early Childhood Education.


Infant/Child-Parent Psychotherapy:  A Model of "Being With" Young Children and Their Parents in Trouble. In Buckwalter, K. and Reed, D. (2017), Attachment theory in Action:  Building connections between children and parents. Lanham, MD:  Rowman & Littlefield.

A Relationship-Based Way of Being.  In Koloroutis, M. and Abelson, D. (2017).  Advancing relationship-based cultures.  Minneapolis:  Creative Health Care Management.

Attunement as the Doorway to Human Connection.  In Koloroutis, M. and Abelson, D. (2017).  Advancing relationship-based cultures. Minneapolis:  Creative Health Care Management.

They Took My Parent Away:  Little Ones Affected by Incarceration Speak. In Gordon, L. (Ed.) (2018). Invisible children:  Contemporary research and analysis on the children of prisoners. Newcastle, UK:  Cambridge Scholars.

What’s Going On In There?  The Developmental Work of Pregnancy.  The Infant Crier (newsletter of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health), October 29, 2018.

Depression in a Warrior Father. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology, 34(3), Spring, 2020.